A 5 gallon bucket and 5 gallon mylar bag work great for long term storage. Using mylar bags will give a shelf life of approx. 25 years when stored in a cool, dry room.
Mylar bags can be found on Amazon. Order the bags that come with the oxygen absorbers included .
Pour contents into bag. Fill bag to about 1" below the rim.
Add 1 oxygen absorber to remove the remainder of oxygen from the bag. This will allow the food to stay fresher longer. Oxygen absorbers should come with the mylar bags.
Seal the top of the bag with a hot iron. Moving the hot iron back and forth for about 5-10 seconds. Leave about 2" on either side unsealed.
Insert your vacuum cleaners tube into the unsealed side of the bag. The nozzle only needs to go into the bag about 6". This will remove most of the air from the mylar bag.
Remove nozzle, and finish sealing bag.
When the top of the bag has cooled, fold over into bucket, and install the lid.
Mark your bucket with the contents and date.This will help you rotate your food. You can even mark the bucket or the top of the lid with cooking instructions (ie: 1/2 cup= 1 serving)
Congratulations, you have taken the first steps in preparing for yourself or your family in the event of any coming disasters or food shortages.
Oak Grove Bible Fellowship
1812 CR 3802
Bullard, Tx. 75789
email us oakgrovebullard@gmail.com
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