Step 5—Prepare to evacuate
Okay, so you have food, water, fuel, and everything you need to survive for 3 months or even a year. There’s only one problem: the disaster may hit close to your home and you have to leave everything behind. What will you do? Use the following resources to help you prepare a 72-hour emergency evacuation kit. Each family member will need his/her own evacuation kit. Consider using backpacks for this purpose and divide heavy items evenly among older teens and adults. Put important papers and documents in the responsible adult’s pack. Update your kit every six (6) months to keep food, water and batteries fresh.
Put something “special” in the kids’ backpacks. Consider a coloring book with crayons, drawing paper, or inflatable balls. Older teens and adults may want some “boredom busters” too! Consider adding a small travel game, card game, etc.
Assignments for Step 5
[ ] 72-hour kit— Create a 72-hour emergency kit for each member of your family. Use the 72-Hour Emergency Kit Worksheet to help you prepare.
[ ] Vital documents, records, and papers – These items are listed on the 72-Hour worksheet. Keep these items together in a secure place so that you can grab them quickly in an emergency. Use a waterproof bag to carry these items. Consider making a copy of each and leaving one copy (or the original) in a separate secure location.
[ ] Cash on Hand—Cash is also listed on the 72-hour Worksheet. Keep a supply tucked away with your kits. Consider including small amounts in several (or all) backpacks in case one kit gets lost or stolen.
[ ] Make provision for your pets!
Step 6—Take classes and Training
[ ] Emergency Preparedness classes CERT training Community Emergency Response Team link to website Red Cross training link to website
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